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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Get Free Trial Before April 24th Send your name for ijoelsantana@gmail.com

MitraSMS-X [Contoh Penggunaan] PDF Print E-mail

MitraSMS-X [Example Usage] PDF Print E-mail

Imagine something like this in a company:

A sales supervisor wanted to ask 10 people who were on duty sales in the field to immediately report to the office after lunch. Sales managers want to announce an increase in costs to customers that 50 people in a particular area, while the executive manager to convey certain messages to all employees who numbered 60 people.

Wait a minute ...

Part of a campaign to introduce new products simultaneously arrival on Monday next week to those customers who 400an scattered in various cities across Indonesia. For the sake of familiarity with the customers, then the campaign wanted to greet the customers one by one with each name, using RamahSapa facilities.

What would you do?

Telephone or fax? Expensive and less precise. Email? Not everyone who has contacted an email account, and there is no guarantee that they always open the account.

With MitraSMS-X, in less than 5 minutes then all the SMS containing the messages ready to be sent automatically by a computer.

MitraSMS-X is a multifunction machine SMS with a focus on sending SMS in bulk from one point to many points. MitraSMS-X is built on GSM technology and are general so that it can be used by various organizations.

Possible use of X-MitraSMS almost infinite. You can send Promotion, news, invitations, announcements, family news, or whatever you want.



Friday, March 20, 2009

Mitra Sms

X-MitraSMS Solutions Smart SMS Bulk Non-Web
Do you want to send bulk SMS to 500 people at once, but you want to greet them with a greeting and the name of their own (eg: Pak Andi, Ibu Sri, Mas Bambang, dst)? How much time you spend to type the SMS?

Or are you the service SMS gateway / bulk web-based charges are too expensive and also need an internet connection?

MitraSMS-X is a computer software bulk SMS sender independently created specifically for your needs!
Cheap Investment Start
With MitraSMS-X, you only need:

Computer Phone / GSM modem and a data cable
SIM card from your favorite GSM operator (Card Hello, Simpati, As, XL, IM3, Mentari, 3, Axis, dst)

Operational Costs and Very Cheap No Need Internet
Operational costs MitraSMS-X mengkuti SMS tariffs imposed by your operator। Very Cheap। Does not need to cost the Internet (and need not be upset if the internet to drop out)।

Full and Useful Features
MitraSMS-X has many features that you will not find on any other web-based SMS. Please compare your own!

Send By Category
Select the SMS based on the no goal group, city, and religion (eg SMS farewell feast)। Can be combined (eg group "customers" in the "Hotel")। Can remove the unwanted from the list tell.

Say Hello with who are
X-MitraSMS can greet you with a destination SMS greeting and the name of each. Mass SMS you so personal.

Reply received SMS automatically based on the content of SMS. Mis. INFO dibalas can type in: "New msk: Laptops Intel core2 duo +2 GB DDR2 + 160GB HD. Disc special. skrg Order!".

AutoDetect Ponsel / GSM Modem
You do not occopied with the port settings, baud rate, flow control, dst for phone / GSM modem. Live post, directly in action. For users of hard core, manual setting can also: D

Scheduled SMS
Type SMS now, MitraSMS-X will send them at the time you specify.

Birthday SMS
MitraSMS-X will tell if there is contact in the Phonebook repeated this sunday in the year, and ask if you want to send SMS birthday (content and schedule can tell you set yourself).

Do You Want Download Mitra Sms For Free

The use of X-MitraSMS
MitraSMS-X is ideal for use by various organizations and can be applied in various ways, such as

Campaign / ad
SMS Marketing
SMS Hotline
SMS Campaign
Communication with the customer / client / downline
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Communication intra and inter organizational
Send congratulatory feast
And much more!

The best way to test the truth of words is over with us and try DOWNLOAD OWN!
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Thank You
For REGISTRATION FREE DOWNLOAD please Check at Under This Site find The Submit form to get it!!!!


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